Brett Hoover, Ph.D.
My 12+ year professional history in atmospheric science has spanned theoretical and applied research, scientific support service, and operational research and development in multiple aspects of numerical weather prediction with NOAA, NASA, and the US Dept. of Defense. I have 5+ years of experience in applied science consulting both within atmospheric science as a subject matter expert for research and app design and in cybersecurity as a statistical modeler, software developer, and generalized prediction specialist. I am perpetually interested in complex problems and how to solve them. Applied science is extensible to virtually any problem.
Weather Model Analysis and Forecast Systems | Meteorological Observations | NWP | Applied Science | Data Product Development | Statistical Modeling | Consulting | Python | Fortran | MATLAB | UNIX shell scripting | AWS
Applied Science Consultant
Forensic Meteorology
Exploration of meteorological observations, reports, remote sensing data, and historical data
Scientific reports about the provable documentation of weather events (such as damaging hail) or plausibility of weather events based on information available for a particular place and time
App Design
Numerical weather prediction model subject matter expert for aviation-weather app design: model formulation, post-processing and interpolation, use cases, data sources, limits of prediction
Transition of statistical modeling and forecast techniques from atmospheric science to cybersecurity breach forecasting
Bayesian analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) applied to cybersecurity breach probability and losses
Lens model simulation of expert elicitation of AWS breach probability from cybersecurity panel surveys
Risk analysis of undersea telecommunication cables to geo-hazards
Monitor of account takeover activity across multiple sectors via Twitter complaint traffic
Senior Physical Scientist
Environmental Modeling Center
Lynker Technologies
End-to-end design and management of code, experiments, and implementation for the EMC scientific support services contract
Satellite-derived wind assimilation in FV3-GDAS
GFS forecast impact assessment
Data assimilation code development in GSI and JEDI
Data visualization for analysis and forecast impact monitoring
ML/AI applications in operational data assimilation
Senior Research Scientist
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Conduct novel research, manage research teams, and advise graduate student research assistants on projects funded by NOAA, NASA, DoD, NSF, and the private sector
Basic and applied research in data assimilation, dynamics and prediction of extreme weather in numerical weather prediction
Coordination with international collaborators
Conference presentation
Peer-reviewed publication
Identification, targeting, and soliciting grant funding
15 publications in peer-reviewed journals
Lukens, K.E.; Garrett, K.; Ide, K.; Santek, D.; Hoover, B.; Huber, D.; Hoffman, R.N.; Liu, H. System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC): A novel archive and collocation software application for the intercomparison of winds from multiple observing platforms. Meteorology 2024, 3, 114-140.
Hoover, B. T., Otkin, J. A., Petrescu, E. M., and Niebuhr, E.: A high-resolution quantitative precipitation estimate over Alaska through kriging-based merging of rain gauges and short-range regional precipitation forecasts, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39, 739–753,, 2022.
Lukens, K. E., Ide, K., Garrett, K., Liu, H., Santek, D., Hoover, B. T.., and Hoffman, R. N.: Exploiting Aeolus level-2b winds to better characterize atmospheric motion vector bias and uncertainty, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 2719–2743,, 2022.
Hoover, B. T., and Velden, C. S.: Adjoint-derived impact of assimilated observations on tropical cyclone intensity forecasts of Hurricane Joaquin (2015) and Hurricane Matthew (2016), Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 37, 1333–1352,, 2020.
Breeden, M. L., Hoover, B. T., Newman, M., and Vimont, D. J.: Optimal North Pacific blocking precursors and their deterministic subseasonal evolution during boreal winter, Monthly Weather Review, 148, 739–761,, 2020.
Hoover, B. T., and Langland, R. H.: Forecast and observation-impact experiments in the Navy Global Environmental Model with assimilation of ECWMF analysis data in the global domain, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 95, 369–389,, 2017.
Hoover, B. T., Santek, D. A., Daloz, A., Zhong, Y., Dworak, R., Petersen, R. A., and Collard, A.: Forecast impact of assimilating aircraft WVSS-II water vapor mixing ratio observations in the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS), Weather and Forecasting, 32, 1603–1611,, 2017.
Kim, M., Kim, H. M., Kim, J., Kim, S., Velden, C. S., and Hoover, B. T.: Effect of enhanced satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors on numerical weather prediction in East Asia using an adjoint-based observation impact method, Weather and Forecasting, 32, 579–594,, 2017.
Boukabara, S. A., Zhu, T., Tolman, H. L., Lord, S., Goodman, S., Atlas, R., Goldberg, M., Auligne, T., Pierce, B., Cucurull, L., Zupanski, M., Zhang, M., Moradi, I., Otkin, J., Santek, D., Hoover, B. T., Pu, Z., Zhan, X., Hain, C., Kalnay, E., Hotta, D., Nolin, S., Bayler, E., Mehra, A., Casey, S. P. F., Lindsey, D., Grasso, L., Kumar, V. K., Powell, A., Xu, J., Greenwald, T., Zajic, J., Li, J., Li, J., Li, B., Liu, J., Fang, L., Wang, P., and Chen, T.: S4: An O2R/R2O infrastructure for optimizing satellite data utilization in NOAA numerical modeling systems: A step toward bridging the gap between research and operations, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, 2359–2378,, 2016.
Hoover, B. T.: Identifying a barotropic growth mechanism in East Pacific tropical cyclogenesis using adjoint-derived sensitivity gradients, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 1215–1234,, 2015.
Lazzara, M. A., Dworak, R., Santek, D. A., Hoover, B. T., Velden, C. S., and Key, J. R.: High-latitude atmospheric motion vectors from composite satellite data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 534–547,, 2014.
Hoover, B. T., Velden, C. S., and Majumdar, S. J.: Physical mechanisms underlying selected adaptive sampling techniques for tropical cyclones, Monthly Weather Review, 141, 4008–4027,, 2013.
Hoover, B. T., and Morgan, M. C.: Dynamical sensitivity analysis of tropical cyclone steering using an adjoint model, Monthly Weather Review, 139, 2761–2775,, 2011.
Hoover, B. T., and Morgan, M. C.: Validation of a tropical cyclone steering response function with a barotropic adjoint model, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 1806–1816,, 2010.
Hoover, B. T.: Comments on “Interaction of Typhoon Shanshan (2006) with the Midlatitude Trough from Both Adjoint-Derived Sensitivity Steering Vector and Potential Vorticity Perspectives”, Monthly Weather Review, 137, 4420–4424,, 2009.
Over $3M in research grants from
American Family Insurance | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration | National Science Foundation | Office of Naval Research | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Over 20 formal peer reviews for articles published in
Atmosphere Ocean | Geophysical Research Letters | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | Monthly Weather Review | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Remote Sensing | Weather and Forecasting
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
B.A. 2005 | M.S. 2008 | Ph.D 2010
Honors Graduate
American Meteorological Society 21st Century Campaign Graduate Fellow
Lettau Award